Cara Brickwork had the pleasure of hosting groups of students at the construction site of the new Manchester College

by | Jul 2, 2024

Cara Brickwork had the pleasure of hosting groups of students at the construction site of the new @theMcrCollege, which is being built by @WillmottDixon. Our supervisor guided two groups of 15 students through the ins and outs of site work, from safety protocols to the craftsmanship of our bricklayers. 🧱

Following these sessions, Neil Allen, our Brickwork MD, visited the college to share his ‘brickwork journey.’ He spoke about his career from starting as an apprentice to being the MD and followed this by offering invaluable advice and tips on how to be a good bricklayer, emphasising the importance of being employable in the industry.

Neil said: “It was fantastic to engage with so many eager young minds interested in becoming bricklayers. They were all very engaged and asked lots of questions which were great to hear. I have no doubt that we will see some of them in the near future at our apprentice interview day.”

A huge thank you to Martin Wilcock from Manchester College for arranging these sessions.

#apprentices #futurebricklayers #buildingthefuture #caragroup #carabrickwork