Top Awards For Site Team

by | Jun 2, 2011

Cara Brickwork won top awards in the month of May on the contract at Stockbridge Village Regeneration for Morgan Sindall.

Congratulations went to Jimmy O’Hara for winning “Excellent On Site” was nominated for his proactive approach to keeping the site running and willingness to help anyone out. Morgan Sindall awarded Jimmy with £40 to spend in the Parkers catalogue and that was equalled by Cara with vouchers for Tesco’s.

Big congratulations went to Ian Colligan for winning the one and only “Project Managers Award”. Ian was selected for his enthusiasm, proactive approach and constant vigilance. He will only accept the best from his lads and will redo any work he deems below his high standard before offering for inspection. He was awarded £50 to spend on his choice of equipment from the Parkers catalogue and was equalled by Cara with vouchers for Tesco.

A VERY BIG WELL DONE LADS.. Keep up the good work.