Cara Group Environmental Policy

by | Jan 16, 2009

Cara Group realises that construction activity has many impacts on the environment. The company will ensure that all activities are undertaken in compliance with environmental legislation and where possible environmental impacts reduced to a minimum.

The policy of the company is to continually improve our performance, in order to achieve this we will identify all legislation and aspects of our activities that can or do have an impact on the environment and ensure our management and control systems are maintained to minimise our impacts.

The company will establish and maintain operational procedures and a management programme to control set and monitor performance and improvement objects which will include:

 Use of natural resources

 Measures to minimise nuisances arising from work activity such as smoke, vibration, dust and noise.

 Minimise, reduce and recycle waste and debris and to ensure disposal to approved sites, by approved carriers.

 Storage of materials will be such that environmental issues will take priority in deciding location and method of control.

 Prevention of pollution.

Cara Construction will regularly review this policy and performance towards environmental objectives by the implementation and maintenance of a management system to ISO14001 requirements.