Cara Group Health & Safety Policy

by | Jan 16, 2009

As Directors jointly responsible for safety, we have overall responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of employees of the Cara Group. We recognise that the construction industry is a hazardous environment and to this end we shall ensure that the health, safety and welfare of all those affected by our operations is treated with the utmost importance.

 Continuous improvement is a key objective of the company and we shall monitor and measure our performance by setting key point indicators and regular audit/inspection and review to ensure safe working methods are adhered to at all times.

 The company will ensure that all aspects of activities are risk assessed and that adequate safe systems of work are established, this includes plant, equipment, substances and working methods.

 We are committed to adhering to all statutory requirements and will ensure we are aware of the latest legislative and regulator requirements.

 Responsibilities for Health, Safety and Welfare will be documented and communicated throughout the company.

 Matters of health, safety and welfare will be regularly communicated throughout the company and consultation with all will be maintained via our health and safety committee meetings.

 The objective of this policy is to attain and maintain high standards of health, safety and welfare throughout the Cara Group. This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it’s continuing suitability to the nature and scale of hazards associated with the construction industry.