Cara Group takes over all corners on ‘Old Trafford’

by | Oct 1, 2012

Cara Brickwork have won the contract to the £8 million re-development of ‘Trafford College’ Talbot Road, for main contractor ISG.

This is the fourth contract Cara Group have successfully won in the area, including the Old Trafford Cricket Ground, the new Tesco Extra, and Trafford Town Hall. Cara Brickwork have commenced on the first phase of the Trafford College project and the duration is expected to be 19 weeks. A specialist team have even been trained up to carry out the brickwork within the confined building undercroft. The entire project will be phased and Cara Group will be maintaining a presence on the site throughout.

Part of the re-development will be Engineering Workshops, Science Laboratories, and Environmental Technologies. The college will also have new dining and kitchen facilities, state-of-the-art class rooms with advanced IT and smart board technologies. This re-development will keep Trafford College at the fore front of science and technology innovation well into the future.