Cara secure Monks Bridge Scheme

by | Mar 1, 2021

Cara secure Monks Bridge Scheme


Cara Brickwork in Yorkshire have been awarded the masonry package by Galliford Try for the new Monks Bridge Residential Development in Leeds.

The near £11M Labour, Plant & Material package is believed to be one of, if not the biggest masonry package ever awarded outside of London and the South East, and forms part of the £105m development being constructed on behalf of Highline Investments.

The 665-home PRS development will see the creation of Five New Residential Blocks varying from 12 to 22 storey’s in height. The one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments represent the ever-growing demand for these types of private rental schemes in our major cities.

The recent trend back towards traditional brickwork facades on high-rise buildings is perfectly demonstrated on the Monk Bridge Development with over 1.5M bricks on the scheme stretching over a two-and-a-half-year construction period.

Marco Ercoli (Contracts Director) said:- “we worked very hard alongside Galliford Try throughout last year in helping develop designs and provide value engineered solutions. It’s very rewarding and satisfying that all the hard work has come to fruition, particularly through all the additional challenges posed by the COVID restrictions. It reinforces Cara Brickwork’s position as the premier Brickwork Contractor in the North of England”.