DIY SOS Walking with the Wounded

by | Oct 2, 2015

Cara Brickwork are proud to be apart of a first-of-its-kind partnership, the project is bringing together Manchester City, DIY SOS: Big Build, Manchester City Council; charities Walking With The Wounded and Haig Housing; and Adactus Housing Groups – along with a huge amount of time, expertise, materials and supplies donated to the project by volunteer contractors. In addition, many suppliers, utilities and smaller specialist companies have come forward to help on this biggest ever DIY SOS project.

Presenter Nick Knowles says: “This time we are doing up five properties and building a support centre as well as doing up the front of two streets. It’s enormous and certainly is one that will quite possibly break us.
“Thanks to the massive support of our partners and the building trade – which continues to amaze us – we might just do it. It’s certainly for a fantastic cause as these veterans have given so much.”
The aim of the project is to create a veterans’ housing community within the existing community, the advice centre will have a private space for therapy and counselling – run by Walking With The Wounded – and provide a space for community use.

Mark Greenhalgh Cara Contracts Manager is pictured with presenter Nick Knowles