Dual Award for Cara Brickwork

by | Aug 17, 2018

Willmott Dixon have awarded Cara Brickwork the masonry packages on two of the three, 60-bed social care facilities for adults that are set to open across Liverpool by 2020

The centres will bring modern accommodation and care for people living with dementia and other long-term residential and nursing care needs in the north, south and central areas of the city.

The three facilities, each designed by Kier Construction will be undertaken by Willmott Dixon as part of the Scape National Framework.

Venmore Rehabilitation Hub in Anfield and Speke Rehabilitation Hub, close to Speke District Centre, are identical to each other and Cara Brickwork are due to start on site in December/January for a period of 14 weeks.

Neil Allen, Contracts Director for Cara Brickwork, said “We are delighted to have been awarded these projects after successfully completing Broadgreen Sterile Unit for Willmott Dixon. It is great for the local labour, especially the apprentices who live within walking distance of the two sites. The praise goes to the respective Commercial teams for ‘working together’ on a Lump Sum price.”