Great Week for Cara

by | Jun 21, 2021

Great week for Cara Brickwork

The week started off with a visit from Morgan Sindall’s Richie Potts (Regional Director) and Kane Greenhough (Supply Chain Manager) who presented us with a certificate of there ‘Relationship Charter’ which we are ‘Preferred’ status.

The charter is “working collaborate to develop a long-term relationship where we collectively deliver projects safely, sustainably and achieve Perfect Delivery.”

Then later in the week we were invited to Willmott Dixons offices as we were nominated for several awards (presented by Mike Lane, Willmott Dixons Operations Director):-

  • Quality – North East office
  • Quality – North West Office
  • Safety – North West Office
  • Supervisor Award – North West Office. Cara had 2 Supervisors, Damion Hadfield and John Mumberson.
  • Training and Development – North West Office. Cara Won this award for the Employment of Apprentices/ongoing training of our employees to keep them upto industry standard/the Charity work we carry out.

These awards go to show the strength and drive within our Company to achieve Quality, Safety and Training not just for one company but for every company that we carry our work for.

Well done to all our staff and employees without them we wouldn’t have picked up the accolades.