Central Square, Leeds
Located in Leeds City Centre close to the busy city centre Railway Station.
Whilst endeavouring to construct the external works and maintaining access 24/7, our greatest challenge was protecting and working in close proximity to pedestrians, local businesses and residents.
The site logistics, in respect of servicing the construction, was a test within itself with a strict traffic management regime. The completed scheme is testament to the hard work that went in to the delivery having received several commendations and plaudits though industry recognition.
Project Details
Foul and surface water drainage, inclusive of attenuation, surface water connections to existing brick culvert sewers located on both Wellington and Whitehall Road. Internal and external hard landscape granite paving, incl. resin bound gravel and granite steps. Complete with street furniture and waterproofing to the ground floor slab.
Cara Civil Engineering
Wates Construction
44 weeks