We said ‘Bon Voyage’ to one of our long-standing bricklayers, Steve ‘Captain’ Gowlett

by | Apr 15, 2024

We said ‘Bon Voyage’ to one of our long-standing bricklayers, Steve ‘Captain’ Gowlett, who decided to hang up his trowel after turning 70 years old! 🧱

The Captain, who got his site nickname due to his love of going on cruises (and talking a lot about them!), was given a good send off by his colleagues at Cara Brickwork.

Our MD Neil Allen and Contracts Manager John Mumberson popped along to shake his hand and have a cuddle and gave him a bottle of his favourite tipple. The Cara Brickwork and Willmott Dixon site team on Durton, Preston – where he got his new nickname as ‘King of the footings’ presented him with his cake, a few bottles and a Cara Brickwork ‘Captain’ hi vis signed by all the team.

Captain has worked for Cara since 2010 when he started on the Carillion Rochdale Schools Contract and has been a great ambassador for the company during that time. He has given his wealth of experience and advice to several apprentices who went on to form their own gangs that still work on same sites as him.

We wish Captain all the best on his retirement and ‘Bon Voyage’! 🚢

#carabrickwork #caragroup #happyretirement #bonvoyage