Willmott Dixon chose Cara Brickwork for Daresbury’s Project Violet

by | Oct 26, 2020

Cara Brickwork are pleased to be awarded the Masonry Package on the £15m Project Violet scheme for Willmott Dixon.

Project Violet is the next phase of speculative development at Sci-Tech Daresbury, and will be a 42,000 sq ft grade A office complex.

The proposed scheme will see the construction of two buildings providing 12,000 sq ft each and one building providing 18,000 sq ft. The three buildings will be three storeys high, situated at the gateway of the campus on Innovation Way.

Designed by Seven Architecture.

Neil Allen (Contracts Director) quoted “We are really looking forward to getting started on this scheme alongside a great Willmott Dixon team whom we have built a great relationship up on the last contract. The building will look stunning once completed due to it being ‘different’, it is going to be built with ‘Palautec – Mountain Grey Bricks’ which are a Spanish brick and are not UK size so a lot of design and thought has gone into the buildability of the offices”

Masonry is due to start early January 2021 and last for approx. 20 weeks