
Cara Take Stock

Cara Take Stock

Cara are proud to have taken stock a new fleet of vans. Cara continually invests in the plant & vehicles used...

The Cara Group Expands

The Cara Group Expands

Due to the growth within the Cara Group we are proud to announce the opening of 2 new Regional Offices; The Office...

Cats The Way

Cats The Way

Cara Construction has recently taken delivery of a new Caterpillar 308D CR excavator. This is part of a structured...

100% Committed to Safety

100% Committed to Safety

Well Done to Ian Trathowen and all the site team who was involved on Lancashire Cricket Club Phase 2B - The Old...

Cara does the Double in June

Cara does the Double in June

Cara wins the Double in June Cara Brickwork has been awarded Wates Living Space ‘Subcontractor of the Month’ and...

Andy Didn’t Walk By

Andy Didn’t Walk By

Congratulations to Andy Bennett for winning the "DON'T WALK BY" award by Carillion for the Month of May at Falinge...

Cara Forges New Relationships

Cara Forges New Relationships

Cara are proud to be appointed by Bullock to build this new £15m development which will provide 122 one bedroom...

Giving the youth a chance

Giving the youth a chance

Cara has been working closely with North Liverpool Regeneration Company (NLRCO) placing local apprentices on local...