A team from the Cara Wakefield office consisting of Marco Ercoli, Tim Scott, Mick Hewitt, Benn Broadhurst and...
Cara secures a new B&K scheme
Cara Brickwork has secured the Masonry Package worth over £650k on the Bowmer & Kirkland “Tara House Scheme”. Work...
Cara Secures 4th Priority School for Morgan Sindall
Cara Brickwork secures the masonry package on the new Neston High School for Morgan Sindall The new £25m school...
Safety Award for April
Well done to Andy Bennett and the site team for winning the Health and Safety Award for April on the Plymouth Grove...
Building for the Future
Cara Brickwork are proud to be awarded the masonry contract for The University of Liverpool’s £90m student...
ISG go for an "all in one package"
Cara Brickwork and Cara Concrete Flooring have jointly secured the masonry and flooring packages on the new UTC for...
Safety Award for Febuary
Well Done to Paul, Neil and Ste for winning "The Safety Award" at St Hilda's School for Morgan Sindall. Alan Carson...
Kirsty’s Cancer Fund
Please read the "Go Fund Me" Page and donate as much as you can to help Kirsty meet the target of £40,000 to...
Zero RIDDOR for 2015
As a result of all Cara personnel’s hard work we have successfully achieved our aim of “Zero RIDDOR” reportable...
Cara are "Winners" once again
Cara Brickwork were Winners once again at a Wate’s Football Tournament which organised by Colum McHugh – Wate’s QS...
Cara ‘Supreme Winners’ at the Brick Awards 2015
Cara Brickwork are proud to be have constructed Whitworth Art Gallery which won "Best Public & Education Building"...
Cara wins Training and Development Award
Cara Brickwork have won a "Training & Developement Award" from Willmott Dixon This is the 2nd year on winning this...