Cara awarded Masonry on £47m Preston housing scheme Cara Brickwork have secured the Masonry package worth...

Cara awarded Masonry on £47m Preston housing scheme Cara Brickwork have secured the Masonry package worth...
Cara secure Monks Bridge Scheme Cara Brickwork in Yorkshire have been awarded the masonry package by...
Cara Brickwork have been RIDDOR free for 2 years. Cara Brickwork have been RIDDOR free for 2 consecutive...
Following our 4 day ISO Audit we have successfully retained our ISO for 9001 (Quality), 14001 (Environmental), and...
Cara Group's yearly donation to chosen charities Please find our Cara Group’s yearly donation of £4,040 to the...
Following a great suggestion from colleagues at Cara HQ, instead of exchanging gifts between ourselves in the...
Cara Brickwork are delighted to announce that it has extended its partnership with Leigh Centurions ahead of the...
Cara Brickwork are pleased to be awarded the Masonry Package on the £15m Project Violet scheme for Willmott Dixon....
Cara Construction have recently commenced on site at The Glass Yard, Chesterfield. This project is a mixed-use,...
Willmott Dixon have awarded Cara Brickwork the Masonry Package on the New Manchester College which is part of a...
Cara Brickwork has won a Safety Award on Middlewood Locks Phase 2 for BCEGI. Martin Fairhurst won the award for...
Cara Brickwork have secured the masonry package on the the resurrected 'Aura Scheme'. Vermont have awarded Cara...